Monday, November 15, 2010

Exopolitica Mexico/Colima to launch with ET Lecture at University of Colima, Mexico

by Alfred Lambremont Webre

Exopolitics Mexico/Colima will be formally inaugurated during the week of Nov. 15-19, 2010 with a Nov. 16, 2010 Gala Lecture by Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd at the Paraninfo Auditorium of the University of Colima, Mexico on Exopolitics: Intelligent Civilizations in the Multi-verse.

Exopolitics is the new science of relations between intelligent civilizations in the multi-verse.  The University of Colima lecture is a continuing part of Mr. Webre's 2010-11 world lecture tour on intelligent civilizations in the multi-verse.

The invitation by the Science Faculty of the University of Colima for a formal keynote lecture by Alfred Lambremont Webre - whose 2000 book “Exopolitics: Politics, Government and Law in the Universe” founded the science of Exopolitics - marks one of the first times in history that a University-level science faculty has formally commissioned a lecture on Exopolitics.

The University of Colima Exopolitics lecture and associated activities are organized by EXOPOLITICA MEXICO/COLIMA, headed by Colima journalist Ruben 'Tawa' Martinez.  Daniel Munoz, coordinator of EXOPOLITICA MEXICOwill also accompany Mr. Webre at Colima.

During Nov. 15-19, 2010,  the University of Colima, Mexico will undertake a week of Exopolitics activities with Alfred Lambremont Webre that is unique in the history of this new science, and of University-level involvement in the study of intelligent civilizations in the multi-verse. 

Exopolitics education in Mexico

For example, on Wednesday Nov 17, 2010, Alfred Lambremont Webre will be addressing Colima’s Secondary and University-level Teacher’s Union regarding how to incorporate Exopolitics into University and Secondary-level educational curriculum.

This advanced attitude by the Mexican University and educational establishment toward elevating the capacity and knowledge of their students and teachers regarding relations among intelligent civilizations in the multi-verse is in stark contrast to the recent Nov. 2, 2010 rejection by Denver, CO. voters of a proposed Extraterrestrial Affairs Commission. The United States has since 1953 suffered under an extraterrestrial truth embargo imposed by the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency Robertson Panel.

Education about possible extraterrestrial intervention 2011-2015

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